Universal Nickname Generator   v15.04.27     English  German

Explanation"Universal Nickname Generator" helps you to find adequate and unique English or German nicknames. For example, for chats like Internet Relay Chat (IRC), or Windows Live Messenger (MSN Messenger). Click the button "Help" for more information and examples.
Development and historyThis generator is a result of IRC nicknames research. The publication is called "Creation of Internet Relay Chat Nicknames and Their Usage in English Chatroom Discourse".
Created nickname

Technical limitation (chat system)
Symbolletter:a - z, A - Zumlautsother
digit:0 - 9
special char:noIRC likemore
Letter case
Length min. max.

Filter (nickname creation)
StructureStem-based:templateno stem:smileyspecial char
Decorationstyling:letterdigitspecial char
position:in front of lengthwithin stem lengthbehind stem length
Concatenatorstyling:letterdigitspecial char
position:within stem lengthouter stem length
Stem (template)
stem:cut offcompact
Specialsleetreduplication lengthreverseswapping
shifting n

Database (stem-based nickname creation)
Wordlength: min. max.
proper noun:first name:last name

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Browser | Unicode Web Browser Keyboard |
Converter | Morse Code: MIDI & Text Generator | Universal Leet (L337, L33T, 1337) Converter | Image2ASCIIart | Text2FIGlet | Text2Image |
Nickname | Universal Nickname Generator |
Else | Lottery Number Generator |

Last modification on November 20 2022 19:38.
Copyright© 2010, Robert Ecker (Mail, Homepage)